Privacy policy

Collection of information

We collect only the information that is necessary to provide a quality service to our users. We may collect data such as name, email, phone number, IP address, company information, information about the products or services you have purchased or use, and other contact information.

Use of information

We use the collected information only for the purposes for which it was provided, such as contacting you and providing you with access to our services. We may also use your information to process and fulfill your orders and inquiries, improve the quality of our site and our services, collect statistical data, and track the use of our site.

Data protection

We take all necessary measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration and destruction. We use secure data transfer protocols and storage systems to protect your information. We also have policies and procedures in place to ensure the security of our information infrastructure.

Disclosure to third parties

We will not sell, rent, or share your information with third parties without your express permission, except as necessary to perform our services, such as processing orders and inquiries, or as required by law. We may also disclose information to protect the security of our users and our site.

Denial of responsibility

We are not responsible for any leakage, loss or theft of your information that may occur due to the misconduct of third parties. We are also not responsible for any consequences of the use of our site by third parties.

External links

Our website may contain links to third party websites over which we have no control. We are not responsible for the content, privacy policies or practices of these sites. We encourage you to read their privacy policy before providing them with your personal information.

Opt-out and deletion of information

You can unsubscribe and request that your information be removed from our database at any time. To do this, you need to contact us at the contacts indicated on the site. We will try to process your request as soon as possible.

Privacy policy changes

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our information practices. We encourage you to periodically check this page on our site to stay informed of our policies and practices.

Consent to data processing

By using our website and providing us with your personal information, you consent to the processing of that information in accordance with our privacy policy.

If you have any questions or suggestions for improving our privacy policy, please contact us at the contacts listed on the site. We would love to hear your feedback and will try to take your advice into account when updating our policy.